
Please Read Our Rules

We’re relatively relaxed about our stream, and we allow mature content such as mild swearing and innuendo. However, there are some things we won’t allow. This short video (which also appears at the start of our stream) outlines what we will and won’t tolerate.

Summary of our Rules

  • Our stream contains mature themes
  • We recommend you’re aged 16 and over
  • Our stream may contain some swearing or innuendo. If this offends you, please don’t watch our stream!
  • We have moderators on our strearm and they work with us to help protect the stream, and where necessary, banning and reporting users who violate our rules. PLEASE NOTE: We always report people who violate our rules to Twitch, no exceptions.
  • We do not tolerate any form of:
    • racism
    • homophobia
    • transphobia
    • bullying
    • hate speech
    • rudeness to other viewers
    • misogyny
    • direct attacks on our viewers or people playing our games

You can check our rules at any time during the stream by entering the command !rules in the chat. you can also see who our moderators are by entering the command !mods in the chat.

If you feel you’ve been a target of any of the above rules being broken, please whisper us through Twitch, or bring it to the attention of any of our mods who may be online at the time.

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