Welcome to the PiersDave Streaming Website

Hello everyone, welcome to the PiersDave Streaming website. We hope you’ll find the information on here useful and find out more about the streams we do, and the games we play on them!

We are a couple based in the UK and have been streaming since 2019. At first, it was all a little rough around the edges, but since we started, we think we’ve managed to get things looking surprisingly good, both visually, and the fact that we’re now comfortable broadcasting to whoever wants to watch us! We are an inclusive stream and welcome everyone, including members of the LGBTQIA+ community, and we are happy to use your preferred pronoun. We go by the pronouns of he/him. If we do get your pronoun wrong, don’t be shy about telling us on stream!

Meet Piers and Dave


It was me that started this whole streaming malarky! Originally our Twitch account belonged to me. Then in 2020 Dave decided to come on board when we decided to start streaming Jackbox. I guess it’s fair to say that I am very much the main host of the streams and am naturally chatty! Gaming is my biggest pleasure, and when not working or chilling out watching some TV or films, I can be found playing on the Xbox or on the PC. I like all sorts of games, but I love strategy ones like City Skylines.


I’m not a big gaming fan myself, although I do love Jackbox, which is lucky as that’s what we primarily stream on a Saturday night! I am the “techie” for the streams, which usually involves pressing a lot of buttons, fixing gremlins, and making sure the stream runs smoothly. I also design the stream layout including all the graphics. By my own admission, I am obsessive about making sure everything looks right. I call it symmetry OCD! Comes in handy, especially in my job as a self-employed web designer.

About Our Streams

We stream primarily on a Saturday night on Twitch, usually from 9pm UK time. We like party games, so you’ll find us streaming Jackbox Party Packs (we have them all!), What-The-Dub, Words on Stream and Gartic on Stream. Our stream does have quite a mature nature to it, and the odd swear word does sometimes pop out – mainly from Dave’s mouth especially when the streaming software goes belly up, or Twitch decides to throw a wobbly! That’s why we suggest that it’s suitable for viewers aged 16+

We also have our own Discord server where you can join and keep up to date with everything we’re doing when we’re not streaming. In there, you’ll find announcements and information about our streams. If you’re really lucky, you might bump into Judi Dench (not the real Judi Dench, but our moderator, Covidsargent). Click the button below to join our Discord server!

Contact Us

We can’t think why you’d want to contact two reasonably amateur streamers, but hey-ho! If you do, use the form below and it’ll send a message direct to our streaming inbox. Or you could always use a good old-fashioned email, in which case, send it to .

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